
Spider of the Boreal Woods


"Ah.. A human..? Oh dear.. I'm sorry"
Lyko is a soft, Polite spiderfolk man standing at 10'4 in height.
His size may be intimidating but truthfully, He won't bite - He's rather scared of causing harm to humans and even only eats animals.

As a Spiderling

Lyko grew up alone, Having to flee out into the world to survive by himself. Breaking off from his hundreds of siblings to find his own place to live and thrive.
He fled up to the treetops and built up a nest for himself.
The idea of loving someone is scary to him - He's only ever known how spiderfolk relationships go and.. Well, The men are smaller than the women and it is risky to pursue them lest you wish for death.

He doesn't quite understand what 'parents' are like, His mother was dead by the time he hatched and well.. No Spiderfolk ever really knows their father.


Here you will find links for info such as the setting he's in + a playlist dedicated entirely to Lyko